首页> 外文会议>International conference on emerging research in electronics, computer science and technology >An Automated Method Using MATLAB to Identify the Adductor Sesamoid for Determining the Onset of Puberty and Assessing the Skeletal Age in Children

An Automated Method Using MATLAB to Identify the Adductor Sesamoid for Determining the Onset of Puberty and Assessing the Skeletal Age in Children




The aim of this paper is to determine the presence or absence of ossification of adductor sesamoid bone, which indicates if a child has attained puberty or not along with other physiological parameters of indicators of growth, using a computerized, automatic method of assessment. The Greulich and Pyle method is used in medical and dental sciences as a gold standard for assessment of skeletal age. This study describes the implementation of a computerized and automatic method for the identification of adductor sesamoid, using the numerical computing environment MATLAB. The input is the hand-wrist radiographic image, and the output is a Boolean true or false value indicating the presence of the adductor sesamoid bone in the input radiographic image. The onset of the appearance of adductor sesamoid indicates the onset of puberty which is important to diagnose for growth modification treatment in medicine and orthodontics.
机译:本文的目的是确定含有菌肌骨的骨化骨化的存在或不存在,这表明儿童是否已经达到了Puberty或不与增长指标的其他生理参数,使用计算机的自动评估方法。 Greulich和Pyle方法用于医疗和牙科科学,作为评估骨骼时代的金标准。本研究描述了使用数值计算环境MATLAB的用于识别收集器叠氮的计算机化和自动方法的实现。输入是手腕射线照相图像,输出是Boolean True或假值,指示输入放射线图像中的接合器菱形骨的存在。外壳的出现酶酶的出现表明青春期的发作,这对于诊断医学和矫正剂的生长修饰处理是重要的。



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