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In-vehicle stopping decisions advisory system for drivers approaching a traffic-signal




All drivers are familiar with the basic traffic signal dilemma: whether to enter the intersection orto stop when they see the green phase ending. Wrong decisions to cross may lead to Red LightRunning (RLR) violations and to angle crashes; unnecessary stop decisions lead to excess queueand frustration, and may lead to rear-end crashes.This study examines a conceptual in-vehicle system designed to facilitate decision making ofdrivers approaching a signal. According to the distance from the traffic light and the remainingtime for the green phase, the system provides an auditory and visual indication to drivers if theyneed to stop. We conducted a driving simulator experiment with 20 subjects; each subject drovethrough 28 interurban traffic lights, 14 with and 14 without the evaluated system.Results show 96% reduction in RLR violations, and 70% reduction in the behavioral dilemmazone range. Change in signal crossing decision probability was modest (6% reduction) and notstatistically significant. An exploratory evaluation suggests that driver hesitation during theamber light is substantially reduced, and that intersection clearing time is shorter and much morepredictable. If similar effects will occur in reality, less angle crashes and less rear-end crashescan be expected.
机译:所有驾驶员都熟悉基本的交通信号难题:是进入十字路口还是进入十字路口 当他们看到绿色阶段结束时停止。做出错误的决定可能会导致红灯亮起 违反跑步(RLR)并导致撞车;不必要的停止决策导致过多的排队 和挫败感,并可能导致后端崩溃。 这项研究考察了一种概念性的车载系统,该系统旨在促进以下方面的决策: 驱动程序接近信号。根据距交通信号灯的距离和其余 进入绿色阶段的时间,系统会向驾驶员提供听觉和视觉指示 需要停止。我们对20名受试者进行了驾驶模拟器实验;每个科目都开车 到28个城市交通信号灯,14个带和不带评估系统的14个。 结果显示,违反RLR的人数减少了96%,行为困境的人数减少了70% 区域范围。信号穿越决策概率的变化不大(降低了6%),但没有变化 具有统计意义。探索性评估表明,驾驶员在驾驶过程中犹豫不决。 琥珀色的光被大大减少,并且交叉路口的清理时间更短,而且更多 可预见。如果现实中会发生类似的效果,则更少的角度碰撞和更少的后端碰撞 可以预料的。



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