
From XSAT to SAT by Exhibiting Equivalencies




Given a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF), the Exact Satisfiability problem (XSAT), a variant of the Satisfiability problem (SAT), consists in finding an assignment to the variables such that each clause contains exactly one satisfied literal. Best algorithms to solve this problem runs in O(20.2325n) (O(20.1379n) for X3SAT) [12]. Another possibility is to transform each clause in a set of equivalent clauses for the Satisfiability problem and to use modern and powerful solvers (zChaff [14], Berkmin [6], MiniSat [5], RSat [16] etc.) to find such truth assignment. In this paper we introduce two new encoding from XSAT instances to SAT instances that leads to a lot of structural information (especially equivalencies) which is naturally hidden in the pairwise transformation. Some solvers (lsat[15], march dl [7], eqsatz [10]) can take into account this kinds of structural information to make simplifications as pretreatment and speed-up the resolution. Then we show the interest of dealing with the XSAT formalism by introducing an encoding of binary CSP and graph coloring problem into XSAT instances. Preliminary results on graph coloring problem show the importance of exhibiting equivalencies for the XSAT problem
机译:给定联合正常形式(CNF)的布尔公式,确切的可靠性问题(XSAT)是可满足问题(SAT)的变体,包括找到对变量的分配,使得每个条款包含完全满意的文字。解决此问题的最佳算法在O(20.2325N)(O(20.1379N)中运行[X3SAT)[12]。另一种可能性是在一组等效条款中转换每个条款进行可满足性问题,并使用现代和强大的求解器(Zchaff [14],Berkmin [6],Minisat [5],RSAT [16]等)找到这样的真相任务。在本文中,我们介绍了从XSAT情况下,两个新的编码SAT情况下,导致了很多这自然是隐藏在配对转换结构信息(尤其是换算公式)。一些求解器(LSAT [15],3月DL [7],EQSATZ [10])可以考虑到这种结构信息,以简化预处理和加速分辨率。然后,我们展示了通过引入二进制CSP和图形着色问题的编码来处理XSAT形式主义的兴趣。图形着色问题的初步结果显示了展示XSAT问题的等效物的重要性



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