首页> 外文会议>Triannual international conference on ports >Upgrading shore facilities for 3 new ferries propelled by LNG

Upgrading shore facilities for 3 new ferries propelled by LNG




The Societe des Traversiers du Quebec has decided to replace three ferry boats servicing two different liaisons. One ferry route is between Matane and Baie-Comeau or Godbout in the gulf of St-Lawrence in Quebec. The other one is between Baie Ste-Catherine and Tadoussac on the Saguenay River. It is the first time in North America that ferries will be propelled by LNG. A new terminal will be built and five others need to be upgraded in order to accommodate these larger ships. The improvement work will be done on car ramps, pedestrian facilities, quays, and fender and mooring systems. Moreover, LNG installations are required and must be arranged while there is an absence of regulation about small scale LNG bunkering facilities. These two projects have multiple constraints and are currently carried out through thirteen contracts, which require a rigorous follow-up while allowing a constant optimization. The cost for the ships replacement is estimated at $400M, plus a cost of $75M for modifications for the shore facilities.
机译:魁北克Traversiers社团已决定更换为两个不同联络人提供服务的三艘渡船。一种渡轮路线是在Matane和Baie-Comeau或魁北克圣劳伦斯湾的Godbout之间。另一个在萨格奈河上的Baie Ste-Catherine和Tadoussac之间。这是北美首次使用LNG推动轮渡。将建造一个新的航站楼,并需要对其他五个航站楼进行升级,以容纳这些较大的船只。改善工作将在汽车坡道,行人设施,码头以及护舷和系泊系统上进行。此外,在没有关于小型液化天然气加油设施的法规的情况下,液化天然气的安装是必需的,并且必须进行布置。这两个项目有多个约束条件,目前通过十三项合同执行,这要求进行严格的跟进,同时要不断进行优化。更换舰船的费用估计为4亿美元,加上岸上设施的改装费用为7500万美元。



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