首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering >Influence of Induced Altitude Acclimatization on Development of Acute Mountain Sickness Associated with a Subsequent Rapid Ascent to High Altitude

Influence of Induced Altitude Acclimatization on Development of Acute Mountain Sickness Associated with a Subsequent Rapid Ascent to High Altitude




Objective: Ascent to high altitudes requires adaptation to a hypoxic and hypobaric environment. Induced altitude acclimatization may decrease susceptibility to acute mountain sickness (AMS). We aimed to exam the effects of acclimatization at 1520m on susceptibility to AMS during a subsequent rapid ascent to 3658m. Methods: Rate pressure product (RPP), oxygen saturation (SpO2) and vascular tone, quantified by the reflection index (RI) obtained using photoplethysmography (PPG) technique, were studied in fifty-five participants ascending to 3658m from 300 and 1520m defined as Group A and B respectively. AMS occurrence was evaluated by the Lake Louise Score (LLS) system. Results: Seventeen of the fifty-five participants were diagnosed with AMS. The incidence and severity were lower in Group B than Group A. On initial exposure, we observed a significant increase of RPP and a significant decrease of SpO2. Inside each group, either A or B, RI exhibited a quick and dramatic fall followed by an early recovery back to normal in subjects without AMS but a blunted and slow fall followed by a delayed recovery in subjects with AMS. A moderate level of inverse correlation was found between degree of fall (Δ) in SpO2 and RI within 24 hours. Conclusions: The induced altitude acclimatization provided low-altitude residents in certain degree benefit in prevention of AMS during a subsequent rapid ascent to high altitude. The comparison of data between participants with and without an induced altitude acclimatization exhibited physiological significance during acute phase response after a rapid ascend to altitude.
机译:目的:高海拔地区需要适应缺氧和缺氧环境。诱导的高度适应性可能会降低急性山疾病(AMS)的敏感性。我们旨在在随后的快速上升至3658M期间对AMS的易感性进行适应对1520米的适应性化的影响。方法:通过使用光学质肌射向(PPG)技术获得的反射指数(RI)量化的速率压力产物(RPP),氧饱和度(SPO2)和血管间调,在55名参与者中,从300和1520米处度上升至3658米,定义为3658米分别组A和B分别。 AMS发生是由Lake Louise评分(LLS)系统评估的。结果:五十五名参与者的十七个被诊断为AMS。 B组B组的发病率和严重程度降低了A.在初始接触时,我们观察到RPP的显着增加和SPO2的显着降低。在每个组内,A或B,RI,呈现出快速且戏剧性的跌倒,然后在没有AMS的受试者中重新恢复到正常,但是钝化和缓慢落下,然后在与AMS进行受试者延迟恢复。在24小时内,在SPO2和RI中的秋季(δ)之间的秋季(δ)之间存在适度的反相关。结论:诱导的高度适应范围为低空居民提供了一定程度的居民,在随后的快速上升到高海拔时,在预防AMS的情况下。与诱导高度适应性的参与者之间的数据比较在快速升高到高度后急性相位响应期间表现出生理意义。



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