
Design and implementation of 6LoWPAN border router




Accessing end devices (nodes) in the Internet of things (IoT) with a uniquie IP address is possible with the evolution IPv6 and 6LoWPAN. 6LoWPAN stands for IPv6 over a Low Power WPAN, which is a open stack developed by IETF to provides communication between LoWPAN devices and the internet. 6LoWPAN Border Router (6LBR) is gateway between nodes and internet, which connects 6LoWPAN devices to the Internet and is also responsible for handling traffic between IPv6 and IEEE 802.15.4 interfaces. There are many solutions to implement 6LoWPAN Networks, but very few are open standards which can be implemented on development boards like Raspberry Pi, Beagle bones etc. In this paper CETIC-6LBR is chosen, which is open source, Contiki based, and well supported by popular repositories. This Paper aims at design and implementation of 6LoWPAN border router with an embedded Webserver on Beagle Bone Black (BBB) and implement bridge between 6LoWPAN devices to the internet (IPv4 as well as IPv6).
机译:使用Evolution IPv6和6LowPan可以访问Internet Internet Internet(IoT)中的终端设备(IOT)。 6LowPan在低功耗WPAN中代表IPv6,它是由IETF开发的开放式堆栈,以提供LowPan设备与Internet之间的通信。 6LowPan边界路由器(6LBR)是节点和Internet之间的网关,它将6LowPan设备连接到Internet,也负责处理IPv6和IEEE 802.15.4接口之间的流量。有许多解决方案来实现6LOWPAN网络,但很少有开放标准,可以在覆盆子PI,比格骨架等这样的开发板上实现。选择CED-6LBR,是开源,基于Contiki的开源,Contiki基础,并得到良好的支持受欢迎的存储库。本文旨在设计和实现6LowPan边界路由器,在比猎犬骨黑(BBB)上的嵌入式WebServer,并在6LowPan设备之间实现桥梁(IPv4以及IPv6)。



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