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A Token Classification Approach to Dependency Parsing




The Dependency-based syntactic parsing task consists in identifying a head word for each word in an input sentence. Hence, its output is a rooted tree where the nodes are the words in the sentence. State-of-the-art dependency parsing systems use transition-based or graph-based models. We present a token classification approach to dependency parsing, where any classification algorithm can be used. To evaluate its effectiveness, we apply the Entropy GuidedTransformation Learning algorithm to the CoNLL 2006 corpus, using the Unlabelled Attachment Score as the accuracy metric. Our results show that the generated models are close to the average CoNLL system performance. Additionally,these findings also indicate that the token classification approach is a promising one.
机译:基于依赖性的语法解析任务在于识别输入句中中每个单词的头单词。因此,它的输出是一个扎根的树,其中节点是句子中的单词。最先进的依赖解析系统使用基于转换或基于图形的模型。我们提出了一种依赖解析的令牌分类方法,其中可以使用任何分类算法。为了评估其有效性,我们将熵引导传动学习算法应用于Conll 2006语料库,使用未标记的附件得分作为精度度量。我们的结果表明,生成的型号接近平均Conll系统性能。此外,这些调查结果还表明令牌分类方法是有希望的。



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