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Achieving fairness and timeliness in a previous electronic contract signing protocol




In ACISP 04, the authors of (F. Bao et al., 2004) suggested a fair exchange protocol for electronic contract signing between two parts. The protocol is an improvement of a previous one (S. Micali, 2003) and solves the vulnerabilities of that protocol. In (F. Bao et al., 2004) one of the signers can contact a trusted third party to resolve the exchange if he can't conclude it in the usual way. However, the other signer cannot contact the trusted third party, and for this reason, this signer can't know the final state of the exchange until, if it is the case, the trusted third party contact him or her. In this paper we have improved the protocol so that both signers can contact the TTP and solve the exchange whenever they want. We propose an asynchronous and fair protocol that improves the protocol presented in (F. Bao et al., 2004) maintaining the efficiency of the original protocol.
机译:在ACISP 04中,(F.Bao等人,2004)的作者建议了两部分之间签署的电子合同公平交换议定书。该协议是一个改进前一个(Micali,2003),并解决了该协议的漏洞。在(F.Bao等人,2004)中,其中一名签名者可以联系一个值得信赖的第三方,如果他不能以通常的方式结束这一目标,可以解决交易所。但是,其他签名者无法联系可信任的第三方,因此,这个签名者无法知道交换的最终状态,直到案件,值得信赖的第三方与他或她联系。在本文中,我们改进了该协议,以便两个签名者可以联系TTP并随时解决交换。我们提出了一种异步和公平协议,可提高(F.Bao等,2004)中提供的协议,维持原始方案的效率。



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