
Seamless Reconfiguration of Rule-based IoT Applications




The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of devices and software interacting altogether in order to build powerful and added-value services. One of the main challenges in this context is to support end-users with simple, user-friendly, and automated techniques to design such applications. Given the dynamicity of IoT applications, these techniques should consider that these applications are in most cases not built once and for all. They can evolve over time and objects may be added or removed for several reasons (replacement, loss of connectivity, upgrade, failure, etc.). In this paper, we propose new techniques for supporting the reconfiguration of running IoT applications. These techniques compare two versions of the application (before and after reconfiguration) to check if several properties of interest from a reconfiguration perspective are preserved. The analysis techniques have been implemented using the Maude framework and integrated into the Web Things platform.
机译:事物互联网(IOT)包括互动的设备和软件,以便构建强大和添加值的服务。 这一环境中的主要挑战之一是支持具有简单,用户友好和自动化技术的最终用户来设计这些应用。 鉴于IoT应用程序的动态性,这些技术应考虑这些应用程序在大多数情况下都没有构建一次和所有情况。 它们可以随着时间的推移而发展,并且可能有几种原因添加或删除物体(更换,连接,升级,故障等)。 在本文中,我们提出了支持重新配置运行IoT应用程序的新技术。 这些技术比较了两个版本的应用程序(重新配置之前和重新配置之前和之后),以检查是否保留了从重新配置透视图中的若干属性。 已经使用Maude Framework实现了分析技术,并集成到Web内容平台中。



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