首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advanced Computing >Controlling Data Congestion by Efficient Backpressure Routing Algorithm in V2V Communication for Autonomous Vehicles

Controlling Data Congestion by Efficient Backpressure Routing Algorithm in V2V Communication for Autonomous Vehicles




As Automated cars are gaining more and more interest among the public, the importance of Vehicle-to-Vehicle(V2V) communication has also increased. As the number of V2V vehicles increase there is a condition that occurs called congestion that occurs due to too many vehicles trying to communicate with each other. Thus, we require some protocols that can instruct when the vehicles can perform a V2V to avoid congestion. These congestion control protocols are important in dense vehicular networks. The traditional backpressure routing algorithm investigates every attainable way between source and goal. The strategy is effective when the system is intensely loaded but the most important issue emerges when the communication routes are moderately blocked which increases throughput. To defeat this issue, we are proposing Efficient Backpressure Routing (EBR) algorithm that enhances average throughput what's more, exhausts a normal power. It chooses many ideal courses in view of the brief way data. When contrasted with the Traditional Backpressure Algorithm, we can accomplish greatest organize throughput because of which information can transmit unreservedly immediately.



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