
Power of CLZ instruction in numerical computations




Microprocessors provide count leading zeroes (CLZ) circuit to count the number of leading zeroes of a binary number and there are available instructions to support the same. Many research works target on improving the efficiency of CLZ circuitry, yet CLZ is an underutilized function. This paper focuses on exploring the optimization potential of CLZ. In this work, few potential computations and algorithms viz., square root computation and Huffman decoding are implemented with the support of CLZ and the results obtained are verified and compared with the actual codes (without the use of CLZ) in terms of accuracy, efficiency and computation time of the code. Extensive simulations are carried out in IAR Embedded Workbench and Microsoft Visual Studio. The obtained results for square root computation proves that the use of CLZ as an optimization tool outperforms the conventional method by 46.6115 %. Also, an efficient and less complex decoding algorithm using CLZ for variable length prefix code viz., Huffman code is proposed in this paper.
机译:微处理器提供计数领先的零(CLZ)电路来计算二进制数的前导零数,并且有可用的指令来支持相同的指令。许多研究工作旨在提高CLZ电路的效率,但CLZ是一个未充分的功能。本文侧重于探索CLZ的优化潜力。在这项工作中,很少有潜在的计算和算法VIZ。,通过CLZ的支持来实现平方根计算和霍夫曼解码,并在准确度,效率方面验证了所获得的结果并将获得的结果进行验证并与实际代码(不使用CLZ)进行比较和代码的计算时间。广泛的模拟是在IAR嵌入式工作台和Microsoft Visual Studio中进行的。所获得的方形根计算结果证明了CLZ作为优化工具的使用优于传统方法46.6115 %。此外,使用CLZ可变长度前缀代码viz的高效且较少复杂的解码算法。,在本文中提出了霍夫曼代码。



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