首页> 外文会议>IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium >A rapid direction of arrival estimation procedure for adaptive array antennas covered by a shaped dielectric lens

A rapid direction of arrival estimation procedure for adaptive array antennas covered by a shaped dielectric lens




Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms specifically Multiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) and Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) are used in a planar array - shaped dielectric lens combination to locate a desired user. However, refractive effect of the lens has to be compensated for in these algorithms, rapidly in real time to extract the true arrival angles. Geometrical optics is employed to trace the rays from an aperture in front of the lens, through the shaped lens boundaries to the individual antenna elements to determine the DOA of the user signal. Angle dependent modifications for the DOA of the signal in both elevation and azimuth planes have been introduced to correct for the refractive effects of the lens and extract the correct angle of arrival using a new mapped column peak search technique.



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