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Emerging Mobility Partnerships in an Era of Transit Challenge: Lessons and Observations from a Pair of Cases in San Francisco




In recent years, transit operators in cities across the U.S. have reduced service levels, in large part to helpaddress operating budget shortfalls. These cutbacks reflect both the constrained public sector fiscalenvironment generally, and transit provision cost trends specifically. At the same time, policy goalsincreasingly emphasize the need to improve and expand transportation options and to reduce vehiclemiles traveled (VMT). This paper explores the planning and policy implications of this apparentincongruity through an examination of two case studies from San Francisco, California. The first casestudy concerns the proliferation of private, employer-provided shuttles, which transport workers residingin San Francisco neighborhoods to corporate campuses outside of the city. The second exampleinvestigates mobility barriers within the city's Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood, a low-income,majority minority district, and discusses current efforts to advance community-based transportationstrategies and partnerships to address key mobility needs in the area. Although the cases varysignificantly in character, the investigation reveals common themes and lessons regarding evolvingnotions of public and private transit and the role of new and often unfamiliar partnerships in addressingmobility and accessibility needs.
机译:近年来,美国各城市的公交运营商降低了服务水平,这在很大程度上有助于 解决运营预算不足的问题。这些削减反映了公共部门财政紧缩 总体而言,环境,以及运输准备成本的趋势。同时,政策目标 越来越强调需要改善和扩大运输选择并减少车辆 行驶的英里数(VMT)。本文探讨了这种明显的计划和政策含义。 通过审查来自加利福尼亚旧金山的两个案例研究得出了不一致的结论。第一种情况 研究涉及由雇主提供的私人班车的激增,这些班车运送居住的工人 在旧金山街区到城市以外的公司园区。第二个例子 调查该市Bayview Hunters Point居民区(低收入)的交通障碍, 少数民族地区,并讨论了当前为促进基于社区的交通所做的努力 战略和伙伴关系,以解决该地区的关键出行需求。尽管情况各不相同 该调查具有显着的特征,揭示了与进化有关的共同主题和教训 公共和私人过境的概念以及新的和通常不熟悉的伙伴关系在解决问题中的作用 移动性和无障碍需求。



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