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Deriving a Categorical Vector Space Model for Web Page Recommendations Based on Wikipedia’s Content




This work models web pages and users for web page recommendation by deriving a categorical vector space model (WikiVSM). We augment Wikipedia’s categorization system with keywords extracted from Wikipedia’ pages. By applying keyword matching, any web page can be mapped into WikiVSM. We compare WikiVSM’s performance with Vector Space Model (VSM) regarding recommending topically relevant web pages to individual users based on their browsing history. Results indicate that WikiVSM performs significantly better in generating recommendations. This is possibly due to features of Wikipedia and our augmentation.
机译:这项工作模型通过导出分类矢量空间模型(WIKIVSM)来模拟网页和用户的网页推荐。 我们增强了维基百科的分类系统,其中包含从维基百科页面提取的关键字。 通过应用关键字匹配,可以将任何网页映射到Wikivsm中。 我们将WikivsM的性能与Vikivsm的表现与Vikivsm模型(VSM)进行了基于其浏览历史的推荐给各个用户的局部相关的网页。 结果表明,WIKIVSM在生成建议方面表现得明显更好。 这可能是由于维基百科的特征和我们的增强。



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