首页> 外文会议>Annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology >Information Seeking through Microblog Questions: the Impact of Social Capital and Relationships

Information Seeking through Microblog Questions: the Impact of Social Capital and Relationships




This paper investigates how users of Sina Weibo, a popularmicroblogging service in China, request informat ion byposting questions to their online social networks. The fastdevelopment of social networks and social media s uch asmicroblogging sites has greatly impacted how peopleaccess and share information. Previous research has focusedon how users share information on microblogging sites, butrelatively less is known about how users use such networksto seek informat ion. This paper addresses the gap. The dataset contains 1969 question messages from 1939 users(information seekers) and 7997 responses to these questionsfrom 3296 users (information providers), the profiles of theinformat ion seekers and providers, and their immediatesocial network (followings and followers). This paperexamined the social capital and demographic characteristicsof the informat ion seekers, and the relat ionships betweenthe informat ion seekers and providers with regards toresponse rates and number of responses as indicators forinformat ion and social benefits of information seeking.Results show that 1) questions posted by female users andverified users and messages using the “@” sign have higherresponse rates; 2) about 70%-80% of information seekerproviderpairs are physically close and have reciprocalrelationships. The study demonstrates the impact of theinformat ion seekers’ social capital and their re lationshipswith the informat ion providers in regards to the outcomesof information seeking in Weibo social networks.
机译:本文调查了热门新浪微博的用户 中国的微博服务,要求提供信息 向他们的在线社交网络发布问题。快的 社交网络和社交媒体的发展 微博网站极大地影响了人们 访问和共享信息。先前的研究重点是 有关用户如何在微博网站上共享信息的信息,但是 对用户如何使用此类网络的了解相对较少 寻找信息。本文解决了差距。数据 集包含来自1939位用户的1969条问题消息 (信息搜索者)和7997对这些问题的答复 来自3296个用户(信息提供商)的 信息寻找者和提供者,以及他们的直属 社交网络(关注者和关注者)。这篇报告 考察了社会资本和人口特征 信息寻找者的关系,以及两者之间的关系 信息寻求者和提供者关于 回应率和回应次数作为指标 寻求信息的信息和社会效益。 结果表明1)女性用户发布的问题和 经过验证的用户和带有“ @”符号的邮件的级别较高 回应率; 2)约70%-80%的信息搜索提供者 对在身体上很亲密并且互惠 关系。该研究表明了 信息寻求者的社会资本及其关系 与信息供应商就结果达成共识 微博社交网络中的信息搜索。



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