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Spurring Innovation in Space-based Organizations – a Management Perspective on Past Successes and Future Endeavors




At its very simplest, the ability of an organization to flourish can be attributed to its ability to innovate.In the current global economic malaise, this is arguably more salient than ever. Organizations that do notadapt quickly will not emerge unscathed, if they emerge at all. Often, organizations are too burdened withthe urgency of the immediate crises and do not take time to infuse strategic initiatives into theiroverscheduled routines; this can be disastrous.But how can organizations, particularly larger enterprises, stimulate a culture of innovation? In thispaper, we will answer that question by taking a deeper look into a management perspective on how thishas been successfully accomplished at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Wewill focus on the Space Sector within the Laboratory and the accompanying space technologies developedwithin it. In particular, we will provide tangible examples of mission-enabling innovations on historicaland current space programs, focusing primarily on NASA's civil space missions. This will be aninsightful look at novel technologies that were critical to the overall formulation and success of spaceprograms. We will also discuss the environment within the Laboratory that enabled these innovations tooccur within the organization, including the role of management throughout these endeavors.Finally, we will discuss on-going efforts to stimulate innovation within the Laboratory. This will coveraspects such as the emerging role of social media for technology innovation and leveraging technologiesintended for one use into other uses (i.e., cross-cutting technologies). Also covered will be the role ofInternal Research and Development (IRAD) activities in helping to support new and disruptive spacetechnologies. We feel this paper will be beneficial to all space-focused organizations that desire to spurinnovation as they formulate their future plans.
机译:最简单的说,一个组织的蓬勃发展能力可以归因于其创新能力。 在当前全球经济不景气的情况下,这无疑比以往任何时候都更加突出。不这样做的组织 如果能够迅速适应,就不会毫发无损。通常,组织负担太重 紧急危机的紧迫性,无需花费时间就将战略举措注入到危机中 日程安排过长;这可能是灾难性的。 但是组织,特别是大型企业如何激发创新文化?在这个 论文中,我们将通过更深入地了解管理层对此观点的回答,来回答这个问题。 已在约翰·霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室成功完成。我们 将侧重于实验室内的空间部门以及相关的空间技术开发 在它里面。特别是,我们将提供有关历史的,具有使命感的创新的具体实例 和当前的太空计划,主要侧重于NASA的民用太空任务。这将是 洞察新颖的技术,这些技术对于空间的整体规划和成功至关重要 程式。我们还将讨论实验室内部的环境,这些环境使这些创新能够 发生在组织内部,包括在所有这些工作中管理层的角色。 最后,我们将讨论为促进实验室内的创新而正在进行的努力。这将涵盖 诸如社交媒体在技术创新和利用技术方面的新兴作用等方面 打算用于一种用途或其他用途(即跨领域技术)。还涵盖了角色 内部研究与开发(IRAD)活动,以帮助支持新的破坏性空间 技术。我们认为,本文对于希望刺激的所有以空间为中心的组织都是有益的 他们制定未来计划时进行创新。



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