首页> 外文会议>IAC;International Astronautical Congress >RADIATION SHIELDING OF COMPOSITE SPACE ENCLOSURES





Space electronic systems employ enclosures to shield sensitive components from space radiation. The purpose ofshielding is to attenuate the energy and the flux of ionizing radiation as they pass through the shield material, suchthat the energy per unit mass (or dose) absorbed in silicon is sufficiently below the maximum dose ratings ofelectronic components.The received radiation amount varies significantly depending on several variables that include mission parameters(orbit, altitude, inclination and duration), spacecraft design (spacecraft wall thickness and panel-enclosure location).To achieve the optimum shielding with the minimum weight, all these variables have to be considered in the design.Energetic particles, mainly electrons and protons, can destroy or cause malfunctions in spacecraft electronics. Thestandard practice in space hardware is the use of aluminium as both a radiation shield and structural enclosure.Composite structures show potential for significant mass savings. However, conventional graphite epoxy compositesare not as efficient shielding materials as aluminium because of their lower density, that is, for the same mass,composites provide 30 to 40% less radiation attenuation than aluminium.A solution is to embed high density (atomic weight) material into the laminate. This material, typically metallicmaterial, can be dispersed in the composite or used as layers in the laminate (foils).The main objective of the "Radiation Shielding of Composite Space Enclosures" (SIDER) project is thedevelopment of the technologies and tools required to obtain lightweight, safe, robust and reliable compositestructures. Two different strategies are being analysed as alternatives for radiation shielding: and he incorporationof a high density material foil.This paper will present and analyse the radiation shielding obtained by the incorporation of nanomaterials incomposite structures.
机译:太空电子系统采用外壳来屏蔽敏感组件,使其免受太空辐射。的目的 屏蔽是为了减弱电离辐射穿过屏蔽材料时的能量和通量,例如 吸收到硅中的每单位质量(或剂量)的能量足够低于最大剂量额定值 电子元器件。 接收到的辐射量会根据包括任务参数在内的多个变量而显着变化 (轨道,高度,倾斜度和持续时间),航天器设计(航天器壁厚和面板外壳位置)。 为了以最小的重量实现最佳屏蔽,在设计中必须考虑所有这些变量。 高能粒子(主要是电子和质子)会破坏航天器电子设备或引起其故障。这 太空硬件的标准做法是同时使用铝作为辐射屏蔽层和结构外壳。 复合结构显示出显着节省质量的潜力。但是,常规的石墨环氧复合材料 由于密度较低(即在相同质量下, 复合材料提供的辐射衰减比铝少30%至40%。 一种解决方案是将高密度(原子量)的材料嵌入到层压板中。这种材料,通常是金属的 材料,可以分散在复合材料中或用作层压板(箔)中的层。 “复合空间外壳的辐射屏蔽”(SIDER)项目的主要目标是 开发获得轻量,安全,坚固和可靠的复合材料所需的技术和工具 结构。目前正在分析两种不同的策略作为辐射屏蔽的替代方法: 的高密度材料箔。 本文将介绍和分析通过掺入纳米材料获得的辐射屏蔽。 复合结构。



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