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An Example-Based Approach to Difficult Pronoun Resolution




A Winograd schema is a pair of twin sentences containing a referential ambiguity that is easy for a human to resolve but difficult for a computer. This paper explores the characteristics of world knowledge necessary for resolving such a schema. We observe that people tend to avoid ambiguous antecedents when using pronouns in writing. We present a method for automatically acquiring examples that are similar to Winograd schemas but have less ambiguity. We generate a concise search query that captures the essential parts of a given source sentence and then find the alignments of the source sentence and its retrieved examples. Our experimental results show that the existing sentences on the Web indeed contain instances of world knowledge useful for difficult pronoun resolution.
机译:Winograd Schema是一对双句,其中包含一个易于为人类解决而难以解决的参考模糊的歧义。本文探讨了解决此类架构所需的世界知识的特征。我们观察到人们在写作中使用代词时倾向于避免模糊的前书。我们介绍了一种自动获取类似于WinoGrad模式的方法,但具有较少的歧义。我们生成简明的搜索查询,捕获给定源句的基本部分,然后找到源句子的对齐及其检索到的示例。我们的实验结果表明,网络上的现有句子确实包含了对困难代词解决的世界知识的实例。



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