首页> 外文会议>European conference on computer vision >Identity Inference: Generalizing Person Re-identification Scenarios

Identity Inference: Generalizing Person Re-identification Scenarios




In this article we introduce the problem of identity inference as a generalization of the re-identification problem. Identity inference is applicable in situations where a large number of unknown persons must be identified without knowing a priori that groups of test images represent the same individual. Standard single- and multi-shot person re-identification are special cases of our formulation. We present an approach to solving identity inference problems using a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to model identity inference as a labeling problem in the CRF. The CRF model ensures that the final labeling gives similar labels to detections that are similar in feature space, and is flexible enough to incorporate constraints in the temporal and spatial domains. Experimental results are given on the ETHZ dataset. Our approach yields state-of-the-art performance for the multi-shot re-identification task and promising results for more general identity inference problems.
机译:在本文中,我们将身份推断问题作为重新识别问题的概括来介绍。身份推断适用于以下情况:必须识别大量未知人员而无需先验地知道测试图像组代表同一个人。标准的单发和多发人员重新识别是我们制定的特殊情况。我们提出一种使用条件随机场(CRF)解决身份推断问题的方法,以将身份推断建模为CRF中的标记问题。 CRF模型可确保最终标记为特征空间中相似的检测提供相似的标记,并且具有足够的灵活性以在时域和空域中合并约束。实验结果在ETHZ数据集上给出。我们的方法为多镜头重新识别任务提供了最先进的性能,并为更普遍的身份推断问题提供了有希望的结果。



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