首页> 外文会议>European conference on computer vision >A Siamese Long Short-Term Memory Architecture for Human Re-identification

A Siamese Long Short-Term Memory Architecture for Human Re-identification




Matching pedestrians across multiple camera views known as human re-identification (re-identification) is a challenging problem in visual surveillance. In the existing works concentrating on feature extraction, representations are formed locally and independent of other regions. We present a novel Siamese Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture that can process image regions sequentially and enhance the discriminative capability of local feature representation by leveraging contextual information. The feedback connections and internal gating mechanism of the LSTM cells enable our model to memorize the spatial dependencies and selectively propagate relevant contextual information through the network. We demonstrate improved performance compared to the baseline algorithm with no LSTM units and promising results compared to state-of-the-art methods on Market-1501, CUHK03 and VIPeR datasets. Visualization of the internal mechanism of LSTM cells shows meaningful patterns can be learned by our method.
机译:跨称作人重新鉴定(重新鉴定)多个摄像机视图的匹配行人是在视觉监控一个具有挑战性的问题。在集中特征提取现有的作品,表示局部地区形成,并独立于其他地区。我们提出,可以通过利用上下文信息顺序地处理图像区域和增强局部特征表示的辨别能力的新型连体长短期存储器(LSTM)架构。所述LSTM细胞的反馈连接和内部门控机制使我们的模型记忆空间的依赖关系和选择性地传播通过网络相关的上下文信息。我们相比没有LSTM单位基线算法相比,在市场-1501,CUHK03和VIPER数据集的国家的最先进的方法有前途的结果证明了改进的性能。 LSTM细胞的内部机制的可视化显示有意义的模式可以用我们的方法来学习。



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