




DFD is an acronym for the "Decontamination for Decommissioning" process developed in 1996 by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The process was designed to remove radioactivity from the surfaces of metallic components to allow these components to be recycled or free-released for disposal as non-radioactive. DFD is a cyclic process consisting of fluoroboric acid, potassium permanganate and oxalic acid. The process continues to uniformly remove base metal once oxide dissolution is complete. The DFD process has been applied on numerous components, sub-systems and systems including the reactor systems at Big Rock Point and Maine Yankee in the United States, and the Jose Cabrera (Zorita) Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Spain. The Big Rock Point site has been returned to Greenfield and at Maine Yankee the land under the license was reduced for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). In the upcoming months the Zorita NPP in Spain will initiate dismantlement and decommissioning activities to return the site to a non-nuclear facility. The development of the EPRI DFD process has been an ongoing evolution and much has been learned from its use in the past. It is effective in attaining very high decontamination factors; however, DFD also produces secondary waste in the form of ion exchange resins. This secondary waste generation adds to the decommissioning quota but this can be improved upon at a time when radioactive waste storage at nuclear facilities and waste disposal sites is limited. To reduce the amount of secondary waste, EPRI has developed the DFDX process. This new process is an enhancement to the DFD process and produces a smaller amount of metallic waste rather than resin waste; this reduction in volume being a factor of ten or greater. Electrochemical ion exchange cells are the heart of the DFDX system and contain electrodes and cation ion exchange resin. It has been used very successfully in small system applications and the next evolution is to design, build and implement a system for the chemical decontamination for decommissioning of larger reactor systems and components, and Full System Decontamination (FSD).
机译:DFD是1996年由电力研究所(EPRI)于1996年开发的“退出退役”过程的首字母缩写。该过程旨在从金属部件的表面上移除放射性,以允许这些组件再循环或自由释放以进行处理,以作为非放射性的处理。 DFD是由氟硼酸,高锰酸钾和草酸组成的循环过程。一旦氧化物溶解完成,该过程继续均匀地除去基础金属。 DFD工艺已应用于许多组件,子系统和系统,包括在美国大摇滚点和缅因州缅基麦基的反应堆系统,以及西班牙的何塞·卡布雷拉(Zorita)核电站(NPP)。大型摇滚点网站已返回Greenfield,在缅因州缅基·蒙佳基,为独立的燃料储存安装(ISFSI)减少了许可证的土地。在即将到来的几个月里,西班牙的Zorita NPP将启动拆迁和退役活动,以将网站返回非核设施。 EPRI DFD进程的发展一直是一个持续的演变,并且从过去的使用中已经学习了很多。它有效地达到了非常高的去污因素;然而,DFD还以离子交换树脂的形式产生二次废物。这种二级废物产生增加了退役配额,但在核设施和废物处理场所的放射性废物储存有限的时候,这可以改善。为了减少二次废物量,EPRI开发了DFDX过程。这种新过程是对DFD工艺的提高,并产生较少量的金属废物而不是树脂废物;该体积的减少为10或更大。电化学离子交换电池是DFDX系统的心脏,并包含电极和阳离子离子交换树脂。它已在小型系统应用中成功使用,下一步演进是设计,构建和实施用于将较大反应器系统和组件退役的化学净化的系统,以及全系统去污(FSD)。



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