首页> 外文会议>Transportation Research Board Annual meeting >Interpersonal Influence in the Early Plug-in Hybrid Market:Observing Social Interactions with an Exploratory Multi-method Approach

Interpersonal Influence in the Early Plug-in Hybrid Market:Observing Social Interactions with an Exploratory Multi-method Approach




We explore the role of interpersonal influence in car buyer’s perceptions of alternative-fuelvehicles. The context is a plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) demonstration project at the Universityof California, Davis, from which we sample 10 households completing a four to six-week PHEVtrial. Our exploratory, multi-method research design sought to observe social interactions andprocesses of interpersonal influence within the social networks of each participating household.Research instruments include a social network mapping exercise, a social episode diary, anexperience influence ranking exercise, on-line questionnaires, and household interviews. Wederive three conclusions. First, social proximity proved a useful basis for mapping car buyers’social networks, facilitating the collection of influential social interaction data. Second,interpersonal influence plays an important role in trial participants’ assessment of PHEVtechnology. Third, a given social interaction is more likely to be influential if: i) it relates tosocietal aspects of the vehicle technology, ii) there is a difference in alternative fuel experienceor expertise among participants in the interaction, or iii) the participants are very close socially.Our conclusions suggest the value of further exploring processes of interpersonal influence indifferent transportation technology contexts, and in different and larger samples.
机译:我们探讨人际影响力在购车者对替代燃料的看法中的作用 汽车。背景是大学的插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)演示项目 加利福尼亚州戴维斯分校,我们从中抽样了10个家庭,完成了四到六周的插电式混合电动汽车 审判。我们的探索性,多方法研究设计旨在观察社会互动和 每个参与家庭的社交网络中人际影响力的过程。 研究工具包括社交网络作图练习,社交情节日记, 体验影响力排名练习,在线问卷调查和家庭访问。我们 得出三个结论。首先,社交关系被证明是绘制购车者地图的有用基础 社交网络,促进有影响力的社交互动数据的收集。第二, 人际影响力在试验参与者对PHEV的评估中起着重要作用 技术。第三,在以下情况下,给定的社交互动更有可能产生影响: 车辆技术的社会方面,ii)替代燃料的使用经验有所不同 或参与者在互动中的专业知识,或iii)参与者在社交方面非常亲密。 我们的结论表明,进一步探索人际影响力过程的价值。 不同的运输技术环境,以及更大和不同的样本。



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