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Costs of Automobile Air Emissions in U.S. Metropolitan Areas




Automobile air emissions are a well recognized problem and have been subject to considerableregulation. An increasing concern for greenhouse gas emissions draws additional considerationsto the externalities of personal vehicle travel. In this paper, we estimate automobile air emissioncosts for eighty-six U.S. metropolitan areas based on county-specific external air emissionmorbidity, mortality, and environmental costs. Total air emission costs in the urban areas areestimated to be $145 million/day, with Los Angeles and New York (each $23 million/day)having the highest totals. These external costs average $0.64/day/person and $0.03/vehicle miletraveled. Total air emission cost solely due to traffic congestion for the same eight-six U.S.metropolitan areas was also estimated to be $24 million/day. We compare our estimates withothers found in the literature and find them to be generally consistent. These external automobileair emission costs are important for social benefit and cost assessment of transportation measuresto reduce vehicle use. However, this study does not include any abatement costs associated withautomobile emission controls or government investments to reduce emissions such as trafficsignal setting.
机译:汽车废气排放是一个公认的问题,已经受到相当多的关注 规定。对温室气体排放的日益关注引起了更多注意事项 私人车辆旅行的外部性。在本文中,我们估算了汽车的空气排放量 基于特定于郡县的外部空气排放量的美国86个大都市区的成本 发病率,死亡率和环境成本。市区的总空气排放成本为 估计为1.45亿美元/天,其中洛杉矶和纽约(各为2300万美元/天) 总数最高的这些外部成本平均每天每人0.64美元,每英里车辆0.03美元 旅行。在相同的八十六岁美国,仅由于交通拥堵而导致的总空气排放成本 大都市区也估计为每天2400万美元。我们将我们的估计与 其他人在文献中发现并发现它们总体上是一致的。这些外部汽车 空气排放成本对于社会效益和交通措施成本评估很重要 减少车辆使用。但是,该研究未包括与以下项目相关的任何减排成本 汽车排放控制或政府投资以减少排放,例如交通 信号设置。



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