
Biomedical image processing with GPGPU using CUDA




The main aim of this work is to show, how the GPGPUs can be used to speed up certain image processing methods. The algorithm explained in this paper is used to detect nuclei on (HE — hematoxilin eosin) stained colon tissue sample images, and includes a Gauss blurring, an RGB-HSV color space conversion, a fixed binarization, an ultimate erode procedure and a local maximum search. Since the images retrieved from the digital slides require significant storage space (up to few hundred megapixels), the usage of GPGPUs to speed up image processing operations is necessary in the interest of achieving reasonable processing time. The CUDA software development kit was used to develop algorithms to GPUs made by NVIDIA. This work focuses on how to achieve coalesced global memory access when working with three-channel RGB images, and how to use the on-die shared memory efficiently. The exact test algorithm also included a linear connected component labeling, which was running on the CPU, and with iterative optimization of the GPU code, we managed to achieve significant speed up in well defined test environment.
机译:这项工作的主要目的是展示如何使用GPGPU来加速某些图像处理方法。本文介绍的算法用于检测(HE-苏木精曙红)染色的结肠组织样本图像上的核,包括高斯模糊,RGB-HSV颜色空间转换,固定二值化,最终腐蚀过程和局部最大值搜索。由于从数字幻灯片中检索到的图像需要大量存储空间(最多数百兆像素),因此为了获得合理的处理时间,有必要使用GPGPU来加速图像处理操作。 CUDA软件开发套件用于为NVIDIA生产的GPU开发算法。这项工作的重点是在处理三通道RGB图像时如何实现合并的全局内存访问,以及如何有效地使用片上共享内存。精确的测试算法还包括在CPU上运行的线性连接组件标签,并且通过GPU代码的迭代优化,我们设法在定义明确的测试环境中实现了显着的速度提升。



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