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Click the Search Button and Be Happy: Evaluating Direct and Immediate Information Access




We define Direct Information Access as a type of information access where there is no user operation such as clicking or scrolling between the user's click on the search button and the user's information acquisition: we define Immediate Information Access as a type of information access where the user can locate the relevant information within the system output very quickly. Hence, a Direct and Immediate Information Access (DIIA) system is expected to satisfy the user's information need very quickly with its very first response. We propose a nugget-based evaluation framework for DIIA, which takes nugget positions into account in order to evaluate the ability of a system to present important nuggets first and to minimise the amount of text the user has to read. To demonstrate the integrity, usefulness and limitations of our framework, we built a Japanese DIIA test collection with 60 queries and over 2.800 nuggets as well as an offset-based nugget match evaluation interface, and conducted experiments with manual and automatic runs. The results suggest our proposal is a useful complement to traditional ranked retrieval evaluation based on document relevance.



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