
Fast Snippet Generation Based on CPU-GPU Hybrid System




As an important part of searching result presentation, query-biased document snippet generation has become a popular method of search engines that makes the result list more informative to users. Generating a single snippet is a lightweight task. However, it will be a heavy workload to generate multiple snippets of multiple documents as the search engines need to process large amount of queries per second, and each result list usually contains several snippets. To deal with this heavy workload, we propose a new high-performance snippet generation approach based on CPU-GPU hybrid system. Our main contribution of this paper is to present a parallel processing stream for large-scale snippet generation tasks using GPU. We adopt a sliding document segmentation method in our approach which costs more computing resources but can avoid the common defect that the high relevant fragment may be cut off. The experimental results show that our approach gains a speedup of nearly 6 times in average process time compared with the baseline approach-Highlighter.



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