
MCDB: Using Multi-clouds to Ensure Security in Cloud Computing




Security is considered to be one of the most critical aspects in a cloud computing environment due to the sensitive and important information stored in the cloud for users. Users are wondering about attacks on the integrity and the availability of their data in the cloud from malicious insiders and outsiders, and from any collateral damage of cloud services. These issues are extremely significant but there is still much room for security research in cloud computing. This paper focuses more on the issues related to the data security and privacy aspects in cloud computing, such as data integrity, data intrusion, service availability. It proposes a Multi-clouds Database Model (MCDB) which is based on Multi-clouds service providers instead of using single cloud service provider such as in Amazon cloud service. In addition, it will discuss and present the architecture of the proposed MCDB model and describe its components and layers. The results and implementation for the new proposed model will be analyzed, in relation to addressing the security factors in cloud computing, such as data integrity, data intrusion, and service availability.



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