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Experimental of mechanical properties and gas flow of containing-gas coal under different unloading speeds of confining pressure




Based on self-developed "Triaxial Stress Thermalhydrological-mechanical Coal Gas Permeameter", the experiment of the influence of different unloading speeds on mechanism and gas seepage features of containing gas coal is carried out, with the condition of initial confining pressure 6MPa and gas pressure l.OMPa. It shows that: with the increasing of unloading speed of confining pressure, the time of coal maintaining at a stress plateau phase reduces, and it tends to 0, and the easier coal is to be fail After the start of unloading confining pressure, the time of coal maintaining in the stage of stress plateau showed a power function relation with unloading speed of confining pressure. In this study, the speed can be classified into three regions in text: the low speed region of unload confining pressure, the intermediate speed region and the high speed region. In the three speed regions, the confining pressure, when coal fails, is lowest in the low unloading speed of confining pressure, middle in the intermediate unloading speed region, and highest in the high unloading speed region.
机译:在自行研制的“三轴应力热力水力-机械煤气渗透仪”的基础上,以初始围压为6MPa,气压为条件,进行了不同卸荷速度对含气煤的机理和渗流特性影响的试验。 l.OMPa。结果表明:随着围压卸荷速度的增加,煤处于应力平稳期的时间减少,趋于0,趋向于失煤。应力平台阶段的维持煤量与围压卸荷速度呈幂函数关系。在本文中,速度可以分为三个区域:卸载限制压力的低速区域,中速区域和高速区域。在三个速度区域中,当煤破裂时,围压在低卸压速度下最低,在中等卸压速度区域中,在高卸压区域最高。



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