
Robust Skull Stripping of Clinical Glioblastoma Multiforme Data




Skull stripping is the first step in many neuroimaging analyses and its success is critical to all subsequent processing. Methods exist to skull strip brain images without gross deformities, such as those affected by Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease. However, there are no techniques for extracting brains affected by diseases that significantly disturb normal anatomy. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is such a disease, as afflicted individuals develop large tumors that often require sur-gical resection. In this paper, we extend the ROBEX skull stripping method to extract brains from GBM images. The proposed method uses a shape model trained on healthy brains to be relatively insensitive to lesions inside the brain. The brain boundary is then searched for potential resection cavities using adaptive thresholding and the Random Walker algorithm corrects for leakage into the ventricles. The results show significant improvement over three popular skull stripping algorithms (BET, BSE and HWA) in a dataset of 48 GBM cases.
机译:颅骨剥离是许多神经成像分析的第一步,其成功对所有后续处理至关重要。现有的方法可以去除没有严重畸形的颅骨脑部图像,例如那些受阿尔茨海默氏病和亨廷顿氏病影响的图像。但是,还没有提取受严重干扰正常解剖结构的疾病影响的大脑的技术。多形性胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)是这种疾病,因为患病个体会发展出大肿瘤,通常需要进行外科手术切除。在本文中,我们扩展了ROBEX头骨剥离方法,以从GBM图像中提取大脑。所提出的方法使用在健康的大脑上训练的形状模型,以对大脑内部的病变相对不敏感。然后使用自适应阈值搜索大脑边界以寻找潜在的切除腔,Random Walker算法校正漏入心室的可能性。结果显示,在48个GBM病例的数据集中,三种流行的颅骨剥离算法(BET,BSE和HWA)有了显着改善。



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