
Games and Serious Games in Urban Planning: Study Cases




In this article we focus on online games and serious games in urban planning. At the beginning we provide some definitions of games and serious games and discuss the potential of serious games. We overview the urban planning games available online and give some examples of the game stories and concepts. The main goal of the article is to explore the potential of serious games in public participatory planning. To this end, a group of students at HafenCity University Hamburg designed and implemented a serious game. The game was entitled B3 Game and applied on the case of a market place in Billstedt, one of the city districts in Hamburg. The game enables the players to design their marketplace and discuss their suggestions with other citizens and urban planners. It aims at supporting playful public participation in urban planning. We conclude the paper with a discussion and further research directions.
机译:在本文中,我们重点研究城市规划中的在线游戏和严肃游戏。在开始时,我们提供了一些游戏和严肃游戏的定义,并讨论了严肃游戏的潜力。我们概述了在线提供的城市规划游戏,并提供了一些游戏故事和概念的示例。本文的主要目的是探索严肃的游戏在公众参与性计划中的潜力。为此,汉堡港口城市大学的一群学生设计并实施了一款严肃的游戏。该游戏名为B3 Game,适用于汉堡市城区之一的比尔斯特(Billstedt)的市场中。该游戏使玩家能够设计自己的市场并与其他公民和城市规划人员讨论他们的建议。其目的是支持公众参与城市规划。最后,我们进行了讨论和进一步的研究方向。



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