
Novel, Low-Cost Millimeter-wave System for Road Surface Characterization




A novel low-cost low-complexity design based on Radar technology operating at millimeter wave is presented for the characterization of road surface conditions in real-time. At frequencies of 24-77 GHz the wavelength is long enough to obtain slight penetration in the top 1-2" of asphalt or concrete surface, but is also short enough to resolve details such as crack or pothole depth/etc. The Radar system operates by continuously outputting radiation and sampling the roadway-reflected radiation through a receiver-downconverter-sampler system. hi initial laboratory testing, the received signal strength was observed to obey the inverse distance 1/R2 relationship. The received signal is further dependent on the incidence angle between the plane of the sensor and the plane of the roadway. One observation from this is the need of auxiliary sensors for determining the distance above the road surface as well as providing incident angle data. The sensor was further mounted on a movable cart used to measure the reflected signal on a variety of road surfaces (smooth, rough, surface defects, and environment factors such as various levels of moisture). By comparing measurements of the material after soaking to measurements in the dry state, there is substantial differentiation in measurements, which indicates the ability to measure the porosity of various materials. Lastly the sensor bandwidth provides the capability to measure surface roughness illustrated in the standard deviation of measurement data. On a macroscopic level, the aggregate in a roadway acts as a series of random scatterers and rough roadways or roadways with surface voids show a large variance between measurements of nearby points.
机译:提出了一种基于雷达技术的低成本,低复杂度的新型设计,该技术在毫米波下工作,可实时表征路面状况。在24-77 GHz的频率下,波长足够长,可以在沥青或混凝土表面的顶部1-2“处获得轻微的穿透力,但是也足够短,可以解决诸如裂缝或坑洼深度等细节。Radar系统运行通过连续输出辐射并通过接收器-下变频器-采样器系统对道路反射的辐射进行采样,在最初的实验室测试中,观察到的接收信号强度遵循1 / R2的反比关系,接收信号进一步取决于入射角传感器平面与道路平面之间的夹角,由此可以看出,需要辅助传感器来确定路面上方的距离并提供入射角数据,然后将传感器安装在可移动的手推车上通过比较measu来测量各种路面上的反射信号(光滑,粗糙,表面缺陷和环境因素,例如各种湿度)。在干燥状态下将材料浸泡至测量值后,测量值会有很大差异,这表明可以测量各种材料的孔隙率。最后,传感器带宽提供了测量表面粗糙度的能力,该粗糙度以测量数据的标准偏差表示。在宏观层面上,巷道中的聚集体充当一系列随机散射体,粗糙的巷道或具有表面空隙的巷道在附近点的测量之间表现出很大的差异。



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