
The benefits of variable area fan nozzles on turbofan engines




A variable area nozzle (VAN) on the bypass stream of a turbofan engine may prove to be necessary for a sufficient surge margin on an ultra-high bypass ratio fan. It is shown that such a nozzle also has benefits with respect to fuel burn and noise. The fuel burn will reduce typically about 10 % during departure and approach and likely 2 % in cruise. The noise reduction is in the order of 2 dB for sideline and flyover. Jet mixing noise in cruise is reduced by typically 1.0 dB, the reduction of broadband shock noise being larger. A VAN complements the fan rotational speed n with an additional parameter for controlling the working point on the fan performance map. The smallest nozzle area is needed only for a single flight condition, TOC, while for all other conditions, the nozzle exit area can be enlarged, yielding lower fan pressure ratios, higher mass flows and propulsive efficiencies, lower noise emissions and higher flutter margins for the fan. The benefits are studied for a UHBR fan with a pressure ratio of 1.5 at TOC. The optimal nozzle enlargement for this fan varies from small values in the range of a few percent during cruise to values larger than 15 % for take-off and approach, depending on the actual fan performance map.
机译:涡轮风扇发动机旁路流上的可变面积喷嘴(VAN)可能被证明对于超高旁路比风扇具有足够的喘振裕度是必要的。已经表明,这种喷嘴在燃料燃烧和噪音方面也具有益处。在起飞和进近过程中,燃油消耗通常会减少约10%,在巡航中可能会减少2%。副线和立交桥的噪声降低约为2 dB。巡航中的喷气混合噪声通常降低1.0 dB,宽带冲击噪声的降低更大。 VAN通过附加参数补充风扇转速n,以控制风扇性能图上的工作点。仅对于单飞行条件TOC才需要最小的喷嘴面积,而对于所有其他条件,可以扩大喷嘴出口面积,从而产生较低的风扇压力比,更高的质量流量和推进效率,更低的噪声排放和更高的颤动裕度风扇。研究了在TOC下压力比为1.5的UHBR风扇的好处。该风扇的最佳喷嘴扩大范围从巡航期间几个百分点的较小值变化到起飞和进近的大于15%的值,这取决于实际的风扇性能图。



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