
Study on Volume Rendering of CT Slices based on Ray Casting




Ray casting algorithm is one important method to render CT volumes with 2D CT slices, and it can be accelerated using graphics hardware. In this paper, we developed an efficient volume rendering system based on ray casting using C++ and VTK, and designed common shading and classification transfer functions to highlight different organs/tissues of a CT volume. With this system we experimented CT volumes using CPU ray casting and GPU ray casting respectively, and then we did the same experiments on different graphics cards. The results showed that we can highlight the organs/tissues in which we are interested by setting proper transfer functions and that the rendering efficiency can be accelerated greatly using graphics cards with nVidia GPU GT220 or higher almost with the same visualization quality as that of CPU ray casting.
机译:射线投射算法是一种使用2D CT切片渲染CT体积的重要方法,并且可以使用图形硬件对其进行加速。在本文中,我们使用C ++和VTK开发了基于射线投射的高效体积渲染系统,并设计了通用的阴影和分类传递函数以突出显示CT体积的不同器官/组织。使用该系统,我们分别使用CPU射线投射和GPU射线投射来测试CT体积,然后在不同的图形卡上进行了相同的实验。结果表明,可以通过设置适当的传递函数来突出显示我们感兴趣的器官/组织,并且使用具有nVidia GPU GT220或更高版本且具有几乎与CPU ray相同的可视化质量的图形卡,可以大大提高渲染效率。铸件。



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