首页> 外文会议>Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association;IRPA 12 >Radiation Protection Commissioning of Neutron Beam Instruments at the OPAL Research Reactor

Radiation Protection Commissioning of Neutron Beam Instruments at the OPAL Research Reactor




The neutron beam facilities at the 20 MW OPAL Research Reactor were commissioned in2007 and 2008. The initial suite of eight neutron beam instruments on two thermal neutron guides, two cold neutronguides and one thermal beam port located at the reactor face, together with their associated shielding wereprogressively installed and commissioned according to their individual project plans. Radiation surveys weresystematically conducted as reactor power was raised in a step-wise manner to 20MW in order to validateinstrument shielding design and performance. The performance of each neutron guide was assessed by neutronenergy spectrum and flux measurements. The activation of beam line components, decay times assessments andaccess procedures for Bragg Institute beam instrument scientists were established. The multiple configurations foreach instrument and the influence of operating more than one instrument or beamline simultaneously were alsotested. Areas of interest were the shielding around the secondary shutters, guide shield and bunker shield interfacesand monochromator doors. The shielding performance, safety interlock checks, improvements, radiation exposuresand related radiation protection challenges are discussed. This paper discusses the health physics experience ofcommissioning the OPAL Research Reactor neutron beam facilities and describes health physics results, actionstaken and lessons learned during commissioning.
机译:20兆瓦OPAL研究堆的中子束设施已于2004年投产。 2007年和2008年。最初的套件是八套中子束仪器,分别位于两个热中子导管,两个冷中子上 分别位于反应堆表面的导管和一个热束端口以及相关的防护罩 根据他们各自的项目计划逐步安装和调试。辐射调查是 逐步将反应堆功率提高到20MW进行系统地验证 仪器的屏蔽设计和性能。通过中子评估每个中子导管的性能 能谱和通量测量。光束线分量的激活,衰减时间评估和 建立了布拉格研究所光束仪器科学家的访问程序。的多种配置 每台仪器以及同时操作多台仪器或光束线的影响也 经过测试。感兴趣的区域是辅助百叶窗周围的屏蔽,导板和掩体接口 和单色仪门。屏蔽性能,安全联锁检查,改进,辐射暴露 并讨论了相关的辐射防护挑战。本文讨论了健康物理学的经验。 调试OPAL研究堆中子束设施并描述健康物理结果,作用 调试过程中的经验教训。



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