首页> 外文会议>35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference >Power output variability of PV system fleets in three utility service territories in New Jersey and California

Power output variability of PV system fleets in three utility service territories in New Jersey and California




The recent growth of the number and cumulative size of PV installations in regions with solar-friendly programs has raised the profile of those systems' potential impact on the electric grid. As grid-tied PV systems are a variable resource, it is important to characterize the variability of their output when aggregated over fleets within a service territory. SunEdison operates more than 300 systems ranging from 30 to 9,000 kWp across North America and monitors the power output of each one with a 1-minute resolution. We present an analysis of the observed power output variability of 67 PV systems across 3 utility service territories in California and New Jersey, during days of variable solar resource. One of the metrics is the standard deviation of the power output's change over 1-minute intervals across 4 hours near the solar peak. By aggregating power output over fleets of constant rated capacity but different make up, we show that variability is affected by both mean system size and fleet composition.
机译:最近通过实施太阳能友好型计划的地区,光伏装置的数量和累积规模的增长,提高了这些系统对电网的潜在影响的知名度。由于并网光伏系统是可变资源,因此在服务区域内的车队上汇总时,表征其输出的可变性非常重要。 SunEdison在北美运营着300多个范围从30到9,000 kWp的系统,并以1分钟的分辨率监控每个系统的功率输出。我们提供了在太阳能资源不固定的日子里,在加利福尼亚州和新泽西州的3个公用事业服务区域内观察到的67个光伏系统的功率输出变化的分析。指标之一是在太阳峰附近的4个小时内,每1分钟间隔内输出功率变化的标准偏差。通过汇总额定容量不变但组成不同的舰队的功率输出,我们表明可变性受平均系统规模和舰队组成的影响。



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