首页> 外文会议>ITS world congress >Methodology for Correcting Erroneous Individual Vehicle Speed Data Using Locally Weighted Regression

Methodology for Correcting Erroneous Individual Vehicle Speed Data Using Locally Weighted Regression




Effective detection and correction of outliers in raw traffic data collected from the field is ofkeen interest because reliable traffic information is highly dependent on the quality of rawdata. Global positioning systems (GPS) based traffic surveillance systems are capable ofproducing individual vehicle speeds that are invaluable for various traffic management andinformation strategies. This study proposes a locally weighted regression (LWR) basedfiltering method for individual vehicle speed data. Both a technique to generate syntheticoutliers and to injecting synthetic outliers are also presented to systematically evaluate theproposed method. A method to determine parameters associated with the LWR that affect thesmoothing performance is devised and applied to obtain more reliable data correction. A set ofillustrative evaluation examples explains that the proposed method is useful in filteringindividual vehicle speed data.
机译:有效检测和纠正从现场收集的原始流量数据中的异常值是 兴趣浓厚,因为可靠的路况信息高度依赖原始数据的质量 数据。基于全球定位系统(GPS)的交通监控系统能够 产生对于各种交通管理以及 信息策略。这项研究提出了基于局部加权回归(LWR)的 单个车速数据的过滤方法。两种产生合成的技术 还提出了离群值和注入合成离群值以系统地评估 建议的方法。确定影响LWR的与LWR相关的参数的方法 设计并应用了平滑性能,以获得更可靠的数据校正。一套 评估示例说明,该方法可用于过滤 单个车速数据。



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