首页> 外文会议>International conference on remediation of contaminated sediments >In Situ Volume Creep for Environmental Dredging Remedies

In Situ Volume Creep for Environmental Dredging Remedies




The area requiring remediation and required depth of dredging is the basisof estimating the in situ volume of sediments to be dredged when considering environmentaldredging remedy alternatives. Initial estimates of in situ volume to be dredged areusually made for feasibility evaluation and/or remedial design using simple area-depthgeometries, but these estimates may not be appropriate for use in selecting dredge sizes,treatment and disposal requirements, and other project requirements related to production,because the actual volumes requiring removal will often be greater than the initiallyestimated volume. This phenomenon may be termed "volume creep," and it occurs forpractically all projects. Adjustments to the estimated in situ volume should be made toaccount for operational considerations such as the method of dredge operation, allowabledredging overdepth, box cuts for slopes, and layback slopes for deeper excavations. Thispaper discusses the factors involved in volume creep, presents data on the magnitude ofvolume creep for a number of contaminated sediment sites, and provides recommendationsfor adjusting the estimated in situ volumes for purposes of feasibility evaluationand/or remedial design.
机译:需要补救和挖泥深度的区域是基础 环境时估算要疏be的沉积物原位体积的方法 疏补救办法。疏be的原地体积的初步估计是 通常用于简单区域深度的可行性评估和/或补救设计 几何形状,但这些估算值可能不适用于选择挖泥船尺寸, 处理和处置要求,以及与生产相关的其他项目要求, 因为需要移除的实际数量通常会大于最初的数量 估计的数量。这种现象可以称为“体积蠕变”,发生在 几乎所有项目。应对估计的原位体积进行调整 考虑诸如挖泥机操作方法等可操作的考虑因素 疏over过深的深度,开挖坡度的坡口和后退的坡度以进行更深的开挖。这 论文讨论了体积蠕变所涉及的因素,并提供了有关震级的数据。 大量受污染沉积物位点的体积蠕变,并提供建议 用于调整估计的原位体积以进行可行性评估 和/或补救设计。



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