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A Study of an Erosion-Affected Reach of the River Beki Using Mathematical Modeling




The Beki River basin, Assam, India is the major southward draining interstate river basin which has a trans-boundary counterpart called Kurichu in Bhutan. The river and its drainage channels flow through the plains of Assam for about 85 km and drain an area of 26,243 sq. km. approximately. Erosion and the recurring floods of characteristically high magnitude by Beki River have been heavily affecting the agricultural lands, crops, cattle and people of Barpeta district of Assam. As such, the need for extensive model studies, for evaluating the performance of different structural and river training and bank protection measures is highly recommended. Therefore, a two dimensional mathematical model for simulating unsteady flow in this river is programmed for evaluation of the effectiveness of the new anti- erosion structures. Using the model, some areas of the river reach are provided with some non- submersible spurs, depending upon the vulnerability. However, considering economic feasibility, optimization has been done to select the viable option for practical applications. This resulted in reduction of flow velocity in the protected portions while higher flow velocity could be observed in unprotected portions of the bank.
机译:贝基河流域,阿萨姆,印度是一家主要的南方排放州际河流流域,该流域在不丹的跨界跨界地致电。河流及其排水沟流过澳门平原约85公里,沥干面积26,243平方公里。大约。 Beki River的侵蚀和特征性高度的经常性洪水严重影响了Assam的农业土地,农作物,牛和人民。因此,强烈建议对评估不同结构和河流培训和银行保护措施的广泛模型研究的需求。因此,对该河流模拟非定常流量的二维数学模型被编程用于评估新的抗侵蚀结构的有效性。利用该模型,该河段的一些地区提供了一些非潜水马刺,这取决于漏洞。但是,考虑到经济可行性,已经完成了优化以选择实际应用的可行选择。这导致了受保护部分中的流速降低,而可以在银行的未受保护部分中观察到更高的流速。



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