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Improving the Water Quality of One of the World’s Great Lakes: Tai Lake Case Study of Environmental Responsibility in the Developing World

机译:提高世界上一个伟大的湖泊的水质:Tai Lake案例在发展中国家环境责任研究



China’s Tai Lake is one of the world’s great lakes. Located in eastern China near the city of Shanghai, over 30 million people live within the lake’s watershed. In 2007 Tai Lake experienced a major algal bloom, which resulted in the suspension of water supplies to Wuxi City. In response, the Chinese central government tasked the China Development Bank (CDB) with creating an environmental loan program to assist in improving the lake’s water quality. Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E & E) was hired by the CDB to assist in identifying loan opportunities that could be used to improved Tai Lake’s water quality. A principle finding was the willingness of local authorities to fund large-scale environmental projects. Another significant finding was the recognition within the watershed of the need to shift funding away from wastewater treatment plants and toward measures to intercept polluted runoff from non-point sources. The approach presented in this paper provides a model for developing countries to create effective and comprehensive environmental loan programs and the supporting strategies needed to help ensure their success.
机译:中国的太湖是世界上盛大的湖泊之一。位于中国东部附近的中国东部,超过3000万人住在湖泊的流域。 2007年,Tai Lake经历了一个主要的藻类绽放,导致悬浮水供应到无锡市。作为回应,中国中央政府负责中国开发银行(CDB),创建环境贷款计划,以协助提高湖泊的水质。生态和环境,公司(E&E)被CDB聘用,协助识别可用于改善Tai Lake的水质的贷款机会。一个原则,成为地方当局愿意为大规模环境项目提供资金的意愿。另一个重要发现是进入流域内的认可,需要将资金从废水处理厂汇编,并朝着从非点来源拦截污染径流的措施。本文提出的方法为发展中国家提供了一种旨在创造有效和全面的环境贷款计划以及帮助确保其成功所需的支持策略。



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