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Assessment of the ENSO Impact on Rainfall Characteristics and Frequency Analysis in South Korea




Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves are a form of frequency analysis usedby engineers and scientists to create flood frequency estimations (Pilgrim, 2001).These frequency analyses are very important in the design of hydraulic structures toensure that they are built economically and safely, that is, they are not over-designedor under-designed. IDF curves have traditionally been created by using historicaldata collected at a site and by assuming that this rainfall series is stationary andrepresentative of the future. But as it has been proved in recent observations, climaticvariability and trends do exist and their effects on rainfall have not been negligible.Increasing occurrences of the El Nino and La Nina phenomenon have lead todroughts and floods around the world, and long-term trends in rainfall have beenseen in all regions across Korea.The purpose of this paper is to evaluate impacts of ENSO on rainfall characteristicsand IDF curves in South Korea. In this paper, first, rainfall data in 60 climate stationswere categorized into Warm (EL Nino), Cold (La Nina), Normal episodes based onthe Cold & Warm Episodes by Season, then 100 years of daily rainfall data weregenerated for each episodic event(EL Nino, La Nina) using Markov chain MonteCarlo(MCMC) model. Finally, IDF curve analysis and comparison for each episodewere conducted. From the results, it shows that there are significant changes in therainfall characteristics and IDF curves among Warm (EL Nino), Cold (La Nina) andNormal episodes.
机译:强度-持续时间-频率(IDF)曲线是频率分析的一种形式 由工程师和科学家创建洪水频率估算值(Pilgrim,2001年)。 这些频率分析在水工结构设计中非常重要, 确保它们经济,安全地建造,也就是说,它们的设计没有过分 或设计不足。 IDF曲线传统上是使用历史记录创建的 并假设该降雨序列是固定的,并且在现场收集的数据 代表未来。但正如最近的观测所证明的那样,气候 确实存在可变性和趋势,并且它们对降雨的影响不可忽略。 厄尔尼诺现象和拉尼娜现象的发生率越来越高,导致 世界各地的干旱和洪水,降雨的长期趋势一直是 在韩国所有地区都可以看到。 本文的目的是评估ENSO对降雨特征的影响 和韩国的IDF曲线。本文首先介绍了60个气候站的降雨数据 根据以下内容分为:温暖(EL Nino),寒冷(La Nina),正常情节 按季节划分的“冷与暖”情节,然后得出100年的每日降雨量数据 使用马尔可夫链蒙特(Monte)为每个事件(EL Nino,La Nina)生成 Carlo(MCMC)模型。最后,对每个情节进行IDF曲线分析和比较 进行了。从结果可以看出, 暖(EL Nino),冷(La Nina)和 正常情节。



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