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The Subak Water Distribution System in Bali; Bridging Tradition, Religiousness and Environmental Sustainability




A good water resource management is performed through coordinated, integrated, inter-sector, cross disciplinary planning and participation. It is enriched through public participation which are not only bound by law and regulations but also guided by tradition and culture. The subak water distribution system in Bali was practiced since the 8th Century BC, it provide water for beautiful terrace rice fields and fulfill ecosystem water needs. The basic philosophy is named Tri Hita Karana which are: men; ecosystem; and the Almighty. The unit management of a subak is sub-sub-catchment, ranging in area from 27 up to 5,000 hectares. Village meetings are held every 35 days, according to the Bali calendar. Leaders of the organization are Pekaseh; Pekaseh Gede; and Sedahan Agung who are elected for five years term. Obedience to water distribution are agreed and controlled culturally, those who steal water will be fined, and those who steal at night will have higher punishment. In the last few decades there are introductions from 'external' management instruments by the central government that altered this unique system. Objective of the system have shifted from an overall environmental sustainability toward a narrow aim for higher rice production.
机译:通过协调,综合,跨部门,跨学科的计划和参与,可以实现良好的水资源管理。通过公众参与,不仅受法律和法规的约束,而且还受传统和文化的引导,从而丰富了它。巴厘岛的苏巴克水分配系统自公元前8世纪开始实行,它为美丽的梯田稻田提供水,并满足生态系统的用水需求。基本哲学被称为Tri Hita Karana,他们是:男人;生态系统;和全能者。 Subak的单位管理是子子汇水面积,面积从27到5,000公顷不等。根据巴厘岛日历,每35天举行一次村民会议。该组织的领导人是Pekaseh; Pekaseh Gede;和Sedahan阿贡是谁当选,任期五年。遵守水分配协议是在文化上达成一致和控制的,对偷水者将处以罚款,在夜间偷水者将受到更高的处罚。在过去的几十年中,中央政府引入了“外部”管理手段,从而改变了这一独特的体系。该系统的目标已从总体环境可持续性转向狭窄的目标,以实现更高的稻米产量。



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