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Is complexity really the enemy of software security?




We are happy to welcome you to the 4th Workshop on Quality of Protection (QoP'08). The workshop this year is on October 27, 2008 in Alexandria, VA, USA and is again held in association with the ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference (CCS'08). >QoP was founded with the objective of advancing research on security metrics and of providing a forum for researchers interested in these metrics to share their work. The need for security metrics runs the gamut of the software industry. Software engineers need a means of measuring the security of their code; vendors and customers need a mechanism for identifying which of two competing products is more secure and whether a single product is growing more secure over time; and businesses need to measure the security of their infrastructure. No single metric will work for all of these different communities---indeed, there is not even a single definition of 'security' that will work for all of these communities. >One challenge and opportunity for this workshop is to help our community avoid the mistakes encountered by similar efforts in other topics, such as software reliability. The body of related literature is large enough---and perhaps we are impatient enough in our search of that literature---that researchers in security metrics can be guilty of reinventing wheels. One strength of QoP is our participants: many of them have deep experience in software reliability and software metrics. They call attention to critical previous work and help our community avoid numerous pitfalls and dead ends. >The continued interest in and enthusiasm for the Quality of Protection workshop is indicative both of the workshop's success and the field's immaturity. We are still a long way from creating metrics that are theoretically sound, empirically validated, and that provide practical value in the real world. The call for papers attracted 19 submissions, and the program committee accepted 5 full papers and 5 short papers based on the criteria of scientific novelty, importance to the field and technical quality. The program for the workshop also includes a panel discussion on security metrics, and a keynote speech by Gunnar Peterson.
机译:我们很高兴欢迎您参加第四届保护质量研讨会(QoP'08)。今年的研讨会于2008年10月27日在美国弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市举行,并再次与 ACM计算机和通信安全会议(CCS'08)联合举办。

QoP的成立旨在推进安全指标的研究,并为对这些指标感兴趣的研究人员提供一个论坛,以分享他们的工作。对安全性指标的需求贯穿了软件行业的范围。软件工程师需要一种衡量其代码安全性的方法。供应商和客户需要一种机制来识别两个竞争产品中哪个更安全,以及单个产品是否随着时间的推移变得越来越安全;并且企业需要衡量其基础架构的安全性。没有一个单一的指标可以适用于所有这些不同的社区— —实际上,甚至没有统一的“安全性”定义可以适用于所有这些社区。

本次研讨会的挑战和机遇是为了帮助我们的社区避免在其他主题(例如软件可靠性)方面的类似努力中遇到的错误。相关文献的主体足够多-也许我们对这些文献的搜索不够耐心-使得安全度量标准的研究人员可能犯有重塑车轮的罪恶。 QoP的优势之一就是我们的参与者:他们中的许多人在软件可靠性和软件指标方面都有丰富的经验。他们呼吁人们注意先前的重要工作,并帮助我们的社区避免许多陷阱和死胡同。

对“保护质量”研讨会的持续关注和热情既表明了研讨会的成功,也表明了该领域的不成熟。要创建在理论上合理,经过经验验证并在现实世界中具有实用价值的指标,我们还有很长的路要走。征集论文征集了19篇论文,程序委员会根据科学新颖性,对领域的重要性和技术质量的标准,接受了5篇论文全文和5篇短论文。该研讨会的计划还包括有关安全指标的小组讨论,以及Gunnar Peterson的主题演讲。



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