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Using Coding Schemes to RepresentWeather Conditions on Air Traffic Control Displays




Air traffic controllers need to ensure safe and quick flow of air traffic. Inclement weather conditions may delay orhinder aircraft from landing and departing safely. Three coding schemes for precipitation are used in three air trafficcontrol systems, Standard Terminal Automation Replacement Systems (STARS), Integrated Terminal WeatherSystem (ITWS), and Automated Radar Terminal Systems Color Display (ACD). The objective of this study is todetermine the best coding scheme among the three as well as compare four-level against six-level coding scheme.Eighteen male subjects completed four tasks similar to those of air traffic controllers. The response time and percentof correctness were analyzed. Task 1 was to name the weather level. Task 2 was to name the highest weather levelpresented. Task 3 asked the subject to determine whether a datablock representing aircraft can land safely. And task4 asked the subject whether two datablocks had enough separation. The results showed that the STARS codingscheme had the fastest response time. Also, coding schemes with four levels resulted in better performance than sixlevels. Tasks that dealt with two blocks took longer than tasks involving just one block. The results could be usedfor designing future ATC weather displays.
机译:空中交通管制员需要确保空中交通的安全和快速流动。恶劣的天气条件可能会延迟或 阻碍飞机降落和安全起飞。三种空中交通使用三种降水编码方案 控制系统,标准终端自动化替换系统(STARS),综合终端天气 系统(ITWS)和自动雷达终端系统颜色显示(ACD)。这项研究的目的是 确定三者之间的最佳编码方案,并将四层编码方案与六层编码方案进行比较。 18名男性受试者完成了与空中交通管制员相似的四项任务。响应时间和百分比 正确性的分析。任务1是命名天气级别。任务2是命名最高天气级别 提出了。任务3让受试者确定代表飞机的数据块是否可以安全着陆。和任务 4询问对象两个数据块是否有足够的间隔。结果表明,STARS编码 方案具有最快的响应时间。同样,具有四个级别的编码方案比六个具有更好的性能 水平。处理两个块的任务比仅涉及一个块的任务花费的时间更长。结果可以使用 用于设计未来的ATC天气显示。



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