
Quasi-inverses of schema mappings




This volume contains the proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2007), held in Beijing, China, on June 11-13, 2007, in conjunction with the 2007 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. >The proceedings include papers based on the keynote address by Dan Suciu and two invited tutorials by Nicole Schweikardt and Jan Van den Bussche, and 28 contributed papers that were selected by the Program Committee from 187 submissions. Most of these papers are extended abstracts and, while they have been read by the program committee, they have not been formally refereed. It is anticipated that many of them will appear in more polished form in scientific journals. >The program committee selected the paper "Generalized Hypertree Decompositions: NP-Hardness and Tractable Variants" by Georg Gottlob, Zoltan Miklos and Thomas Schwentick as the recipient of the Best Paper Award, and the paper "XMLTransformation by Tree-Walking Transducers with Invisible Pebbles" by Joost Engelfriet, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom and Bart Samwel as the recipient of the Best Newcomer Award. Warmest congratulations to the authors. >I thank all authors who submitted papers to the conference, and the members of the program committee for the enormous amount of work they have done. The program committee did not meet in person, but carried out extensive discussion during the electronic PC meeting.
机译:该卷包含2007年6月11日至13日在中国北京举行的第二十六届ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART数据库系统原理专题讨论会(i> PODS 2007)的会议记录

会议记录包括基于Dan Suciu的主题演讲的论文以及Nicole Schweikardt和Jan Van den Bussche的两份邀请的教程,以及28篇论文由计划委员会从187份意见书中选出。这些论文大多数是扩展的摘要,尽管已被程序委员会阅读,但尚未得到正式引用。预计其中许多将以更精美的形式出现在科学期刊上。

计划委员会选择了论文“广义超树分解:NP硬度和可牵引变体” Georg Gottlob,Zoltan Miklos和Thomas Schwentick获得最佳论文奖,Joost Engelfriet,Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom和Bart Samwel的论文“带有不可见卵石的树型换能器的XMLTransformation” 最佳新人奖的获得者。热烈祝贺作者。




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