首页> 外文会议>SIGIR 2007 Proceedings >Improving text classification for oral history archives with temporal domain knowledge

Improving text classification for oral history archives with temporal domain knowledge




Welcome to the 30th year of SIGIR, the Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. >The growth in SIGIR over the past few years has been remarkable. SIGIR 2005 saw a record 368 full paper submissions; SIGIR 2006 again set a record with 399 submissions. In our planning for 2007 we anticipated between 350 and 400 papers. Instead, we were pleasantly surprised, but somewhat overwhelmed, when we received 490 submissions, an increase of nearly 23% over 2006. From these submissions we were able to accept 84 papers (17.5%). These contributions are drawn from the breadth of IR research, including indexing, efficiency, evaluation, formal models, machine learning, classification, and user studies. Many papers are devoted to specialized topics such as question answering, multi-media retrieval, Web search and spam. Along with these full papers, we were able to accept 105 posters, 18 demonstrations, 9 tutorials and 9 workshops. In addition, 9 PhD candidates were selected to participate in our doctoral consortium. >Again this year, the selection of full papers was dependent on a two-tiered reviewing process. The PC Chairs and 33 Senior PC members, nominated nearly 313 primary reviewers. Each reviewer was assigned between 3 and 8 papers by the PC chairs in accordance to reviewers' stated subject expertise and each paper was allocated three reviewers. In cases where there was a wide range of scores or incomplete information, several primary reviewers helped us out with a number of additional reviews. The role of the Senior PC members was to oversee the review process, by resolving disagreements between reviewers and producing a meta-review for each paper. These meta-reviews served as the basis for discussion at the Programme Committee meeting. Each Senior PC member was responsible for 13 to 18 papers. Senior PC members were selected for their subject expertise in the different topic areas and attention was also paid to geographic representation and PC Committee experience. All the reviewing was double blind with the identity of authors being released only after the selection of papers was completed. We thank the members of the Senior PC for their hard work in helping us cope with the unexpected number of submissions. >Similarly thorough processes were followed for the selection of posters, demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops, as well as for the selection of participants in the doctoral consortium. We are grateful for the efforts of the various chairs who managed the selection of these contributions: Gianni Amati, Chris Buckley, Thomas Hofmann, Liz Liddy, Josiane Mothe, Thomas Roelleke, Mark Sanderson, and ChengXiang Zhai. We thank Edwin van Huis, our keynote speaker, for agreeing to share his ideas with us. We thank the SIGIR executive committee for their willingness to answer our many questions quickly and carefully. We thank TNO, who hosted the Program Committee meeting in Delft. Finally, we thank Wessel Kraaij and Arjen P. de Vries, the conference General Chairs for their tremendous efforts to make this conference a success. >In early April we were saddened to learn of the passing of Karen Sparck Jones, one of the great pioneers of information retrieval. We are pleased to host her Athena Award lecture, and we dedicate these proceedings to her memory.
机译:欢迎来到SIGIR成立30周年,即国际ACM SIGIR信息检索研究与发展年度会议。

过去几年SIGIR的增长非常显着。 SIGIR 2005提交了368篇论文,创历史新高。 SIGIR 2006再次刷新了399个提交的记录。在2007年的计划中,我们预计将发表350至400篇论文。相反,当我们收到490份论文时,我们感到惊喜,但有些不知所措,比2006年增长了近23%。从这些论文中,我们可以接收84篇论文(17.5%)。这些贡献来自IR研究的广度,包括索引,效率,评估,形式模型,机器学习,分类和用户研究。许多论文专门讨论诸如回答问题,多媒体检索,Web搜索和垃圾邮件之类的专业主题。除了这些完整的论文,我们还接受了105张海报,18个演示,9个教程和9个讲习班。此外,还选择了9名博士候选人参加我们的博士联合会。

今年以来,论文全文的选择取决于两级审查程序。 PC主席和33位PC高级成员提名了近313位主要审稿人。 PC主席根据审稿人陈述的专业知识为每位审稿人分配了3到8篇论文,每篇论文则分配了三名审稿人。如果得分范围广泛或信息不完整,一些主要评论者会为我们提供许多其他评论。高级PC成员的作用是通过解决审稿人之间的分歧并为每篇论文进行元审稿来监督审稿过程。这些元审查是计划委员会会议讨论的基础。每个高级PC成员负责13到18篇论文。选择了高级PC成员,因为他们在不同主题领域的专业知识,并且还关注地理代表和PC委员会的经验。所有审稿都是双盲的,只有在论文选稿完成后才发布作者的身份。我们感谢高级PC成员的辛勤工作,他们帮助我们应对了意外的提交数量。

同样严格地遵循了筛选海报,演示,教程和讲习班的流程。至于博士联盟参与者的选择。我们感谢管理这些贡献的各个主席的努力:吉安妮·阿玛蒂,克里斯·巴克利,托马斯·霍夫曼,丽兹·利迪,乔西恩·穆特,托马斯·罗勒克,马克·桑德森和翟承祥。我们感谢主旨发言人埃德温·范·许斯(Edwin van Huis)同意与我们分享他的想法。我们感谢SIGIR执行委员会愿意迅速而认真地回答我们的许多问题。我们感谢TNO,他在代尔夫特主持了计划委员会会议。最后,我们感谢大会主席Wessel Kraaij和Arjen P. de Vries为使这次会议成功而付出的巨大努力。

4月初,我们为得知Karen Sparck Jones逝世而感到悲伤。 ,是信息检索的伟大先驱之一。我们很高兴主办她的雅典娜奖演讲,我们将这些活动献给她以纪念。



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