
Can't sing, can't act, can dance a little




The title of my talk comes from a Hollywood executive's comments on Fred Astaire's screen test. Much later, Katherine Hepburn remarking on Fred's eventual success with his most frequent partner said, "Fred gave Ginger [Rogers] class, and Ginger gave Fred sex [appeal]". I was surprised and delighted to win this award, and it started me thinking about how I got to where I am today. In my talk, I'll look back at 36 years of learning and teaching programming, and reflect on my many "dancing" partners. Some were around for a short time, some I dance with still, and some I dance with only in my dreams. In some cases, I led; in other cases I followed. Some dances were as graceful as a waltz, while others were more like an apache dance. During this talk I'll find some time to discuss "a view from the trenches" of four decades of teaching introductory programming, and if I can muster the courage, speculate on the future.
机译:我的演讲的标题来自好莱坞高管对弗雷德·阿斯泰尔(Fred Astaire)的屏幕测试的评论。后来,凯瑟琳·赫本(Katherine Hepburn)谈到弗雷德(Fred)与他最频繁的搭档最终取得的成功时说:“弗雷德(Fred)给Ginger [罗杰斯(Rogers))上课,而姜格(Ginger)给弗雷德(Fred)做爱(上诉)”。我为获得这一奖项感到惊讶和高兴,这让我开始思考如何到达今天的位置。在我的演讲中,我将回顾36年的学习和教学编程,并反思我的许多“跳舞”伙伴。有些人待了很短的时间,有些我仍然跳舞,还有一些我只在梦中跳舞。在某些情况下,我领导了;在其他情况下,我遵循了。有些舞蹈像华尔兹舞一样优美,而另一些舞蹈更像是阿帕奇舞。在本次演讲中,我将花一些时间来讨论教学入门编程的四个十年的“从from沟看”,如果我能鼓起勇气,则对未来进行思考。



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