
SSB : A Grid-based Infrastructure for HLA Systems




Service Oriented EXtensible Modeling and Simulation Supporting Environment Architecture (SO-XMSSEA) is presented based on XMSF thinking and the new technology development of web service and grid. Simulation Service Bus (SSB) is the underlying infrastructure to take charge of services communicating in SO-XMSSEA including message dispatch, integration, services interaction, management with services quality and security, and adaptation with other domain applications. We introduce the main mechanism of SSB structure and survey the communication and data transferring between clients and server. As the most important approach for composing HLA systems, the core module of SO-RTI Server and System Integration Server are discussed in detail. WSRF based grid technology is selected to construct prototype SSB implementation. A test HLA system based on SSB shows the interoperability on heterogeneous systems so that different types of systems can communicate smoothly through WAN and makes more facility to maintain and evolve.
机译:基于XMSF的思想以及Web服务和网格的新技术开发,提出了面向服务的可扩展建模和仿真支持环境体系结构(SO-XMSSEA)。 Simulation Service Bus(SSB)是负责在SO-XMSSEA中进行通信的服务的基础结构,包括消息分发,集成,服务交互,具有服务质量和安全性的管理以及与其他域应用程序的适应。介绍了SSB结构的主要机制,并探讨了客户端与服务器之间的通信和数据传输。作为组成HLA系统的最重要方法,将详细讨论SO-RTI Server和System Integration Server的核心模块。选择基于WSRF的网格技术来构建SSB原型实现。基于SSB的测试HLA系统显示了异构系统上的互操作性,因此不同类型的系统可以通过WAN进行平滑通信,并为维护和发展提供了更多便利。



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