
Widening the Huey P. Long Bridge




The Huey P. Long Bridge is a high-level, combined highway and railroad bridge crossing the Mississippi River just upstream from New Orleans. The structure was completed in 1935, and at 22,996 feet from abutment to abutment is one of the longest high-level railroad bridges in the world. The bridge carries two railroad tracks within the through-truss main bridge and a narrow, 18 ft. wide, 2-lane roadway bracketed off each side of the through-truss structure.The roadway capacity is now, nearly 70 years later, inadequate for the region's needs. After initially considering a new river crossing, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development decided to widen the existing bridge roadways. The two roadways are proposed to be widened to 43 ft. each, to provide 3 lanes with a refuge shoulder in each direction. Two new trusses will be added to form a "three barrel" structure. This paper presents some of the difficulties in designing the proposed project including: 1) the need to maintain rail, vehicular and marine traffic throughout the construction period; 2) an assessment of the ability of the existing caisson piers to carry the increased loads; 3) a determination of the remaining safe fatigue service life of the existing steel truss superstructure; and 4) the incompatibility of erection deformations of the new trusses with the position of the existing trusses. Adopted solutions to these difficulties are presented.
机译:休伊·P·朗大桥(Huey P. Long Bridge)是高等级的公路和铁路桥梁,横跨新奥尔良上游的密西西比河。该结构于1935年完工,从基台到基台的高度为22,996英尺,是世界上最长的高等级铁路桥梁之一。该桥在直通桁架主桥内承载两条铁轨,并在直通桁架结构的每一侧均设有一条18英尺宽,2车道的狭窄巷道。 将近70年后,现在的道路通行能力不足以满足该地区的需求。最初考虑过新的河流过境后,路易斯安那州交通与发展部决定拓宽现有的桥梁道路。提议将两个车道加宽到43英尺,以在每个方向上提供3个带避难所的车道。将添加两个新的桁架以形成“三桶”结构。本文提出了设计该拟议项目的一些困难,其中包括:1)在整个施工期间保持铁路,车辆和海上交通的需求; 2)评估现有沉箱码头承受增加的载荷的能力; 3)确定现有钢桁架上层建筑的剩余安全疲劳使用寿命; 4)新桁架的安装变形与现有桁架的位置不兼容。介绍了针对这些困难的已通过的解决方案。



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