首页> 外文会议>2004 CIGR International Conference : Collection of Extent Abstracts >Finite Element Simulation of Frame Structure ofCutting Table on Rape Combine Harvest

Finite Element Simulation of Frame Structure ofCutting Table on Rape Combine Harvest




In this paper, the frame structure of cutting table on 4LYZ-2 rape harvest, which wasrefitted from 4LZ-2 combine harvest by adding a vertical cutter, has been investigated using the finiteelement method under inertia loads and transient load to examine the rationality of refit. 3-D solidmodel of the frame structure of cutting table on 4LZ-2combine harvests and that of refitted (4LYZ-2rape harvest )were built in popular CAD software Solidsworks. Then the models were imported intoANSYS. By inputting the stiffness and density properties as properties of material, selecting element,meshing the model, specifying the boundary condition, the finite element model were obtained. Allthe dynamic analysis and post processing were executed using ANSYS. The natural frequencies andmodal shapes of the structures were available as a result of modal analysis. The response of thestructure under the inertia load and transient load were simulated in harmonic analysis and intransient analysis. The inertia loads caused by drive machines, which motivate the horizontal cutterand vertical cutter respectively, were obtained using ADAMS software (Automatic Dynamic Analysisof Mechanical System). The transient load caused by impact when cutting the stem of the rape wasmeasured by self-designed measure system. According to the result of simulation, optimizationdesign was done, and the result of the optimization is acceptable.
机译:本文研究了4LYZ-2油菜收割机割台的框架结构, 通过使用垂直切割机从4LZ-2联合收割机改装得到的收割机 惯性载荷和瞬态载荷下的有限元法来检验改装的合理性。 3D实体 4LZ-2联合收割机和改装后的(4LYZ-2)收割台车架结构的模型 油菜收成)内置在流行的CAD软件Solidsworks中。然后将模型导入 ANSYS。通过输入刚度和密度属性作为材料的属性,选择元素, 网格化模型,指定边界条件,获得了有限元模型。全部 动态分析和后处理是使用ANSYS执行的。固有频率和 结构的模态形状是模态分析的结果。的回应 在谐波分析和惯性分析中模拟了惯性载荷和瞬态载荷下的结构。 瞬态分析。由驱动机器引起的惯性载荷,这些惯性载荷激励了卧式切割机 使用ADAMS软件(自动动态分析)分别获得垂直切割机和垂直切割机。 机械系统)。切割油菜茎时,由冲击引起的瞬态载荷为 通过自行设计的测量系统进行测量。根据仿真结果,进行优化 设计完成,优化结果是可以接受的。



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