首页> 外文会议>2004 CIGR International Conference : Collection of Extent Abstracts >Development of singlechip based laser leveling controlsystem

Development of singlechip based laser leveling controlsystem




Land leveler with laser leveling control system not only reduces the work in cropestablishment and management, but also reduces the amount of water required for normalgrowth, and increases the yield, and improves the quality and so on. However, for the uncertaintyand nonlinearity of plant to be controlled, it is difficult efficiently to control using classical control.The laser leveling control system with singlechip not only can replace of all functions of traditionalleveling machine controller, but also realizes the complex intelligent algorithm, such as fuzzycontrol. So, the singlechip based laser leveling control system has been presented. The systemincludes three parts: the laser transmitter, the laser receiver and the control box. The paperpresents mainly the details of the laser receiver and the control system, and realizes a complexintelligent control algorithm. The laser receiver, which is the key for the control system, includesoptical sensor, high frequency weak signal processing circuit, signal output circuit. The controlsystem was realized using 80C51 single-chip computer and fuzzy control algorithm. The levelingfield experiment in Beijing and in Guangzhou shows that the system realized functions of controlsuccessfully.
机译:带有激光水平控制系统的土地平整机不仅减少了农作物的工作 建立和管理,也减少了正常用水量 生长,提高产量,提高品质等。但是,由于不确定性 以及要控制的植物的非线性,使用经典控制很难有效地进行控制。 带单片机的激光调平控制系统不仅可以代替传统的所有功能 整平机控制器,还实现了复杂的智能算法,如模糊 控制。因此,提出了基于单片机的激光调平控制系统。系统 包括三个部分:激光发射器,激光接收器和控制箱。论文 主要介绍激光接收器和控制系统的细节,并实现一个复杂的 智能控制算法。激光接收器是控制系统的关键,包括 光学传感器,高频弱信号处理电路,信号输出电路。控制 系统采用80C51单片机和模糊控制算法实现。整平 北京和广州的现场实验表明,该系统实现了控制功能。 成功地。



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